headache lass

I have been headache lass for the GAH STUPID PUKING ZILLI

*sigh* As I was saying prior to having to clean up cat puke.

I have been headache lass for the last week. This is not typical, and I thought it was caused by back issues (she said, turning her head back and forth to see if her neck is still pinching anywhere. It is, but.), but I think I might have contracted a cold somewhere along the way, too. I don’t typically associate headaches with colds, but I’ve got this sort of hollow painful nasal feeling going on too. Especially when I blow my nose. It’s that “Ah, my brain has just left my head, dragging my eardrum with it, by way of my left nostril” feeling. Gotta love that.

On the plus side, though, my strawberry jam turned out beeeooooteefully, and Angie called last night to talk for a few minutes, and I read a book, so overall I gotta say life is pretty good. :)

miles to Lothlorien: 87
ytd wordcount: 207,850