hee hee hee

Marithlizard blinks at Kit’s lj. Kit *is* hallucinating, right?

Kit is *not*!

Marithlizard says “You must be. *movie*? *john woo*? *sandra bullock*?”

Kit may, however, be pulling your leg a little bit. It’s April 1st. :)

Marithlizard waves a hand helpfully in front of Kit. Oh *good*.

Kit laughs out loud.

Marithlizard er. Not that I don’t think they WILL. :) Just, um, my reality was fragmenting there. :)

Kit beams. A lot.
Kit wins!

Actually, Garrett wins, because the earlier post was his idea. Chops to Garrett. :) :) :)

I was Bound And Determined to go biking today, and lo, I did! I was nicely bundled up, so only my hands, which had no proper fingered gloves on them, were cold. My, what a difference 25 or 30 pounds makes in how a snug warm biking shirt fits you. I’m pretty sure I hadn’t put that shirt on since 2 summers ago, when I weighed 28 pounds more than I do. I look quite cute in it now, if I do say so myself, instead of looking like a sausage stuffed to bursting.

I also got a bit of writing done, and magically increased the length of THUNDERBIRD FALLS by 11 pages, simply by finding a chapter I hadn’t pasted into the complete manuscript. :) Go me. *laugh*

If I was very very lazy I would spend the next 3 hours playing CoH, but I think I’ll actually go work on the book some instead. :)

miles to Rauros Falls: 107.5
miles biked to Hobbiton from Minas Tirith: : 7.2 (out of 1625)