hm. book launch party?

So Ted and I are planning on going to World Fantasy Con this fall (Nov 1-4 in Saratoga, NY), and it strikes me that I have a book coming out in November. I wonder if I ought to get one of the party rooms and throw a book launch party? Hm. Hm. Hmmm! Well, it’s something to think about, anyway. :)

Writing proceeds apace, or aplot, or something. I got very little in the way of new words done today, but I did go back and retrofit a whole ‘nother chapter. Had to, you see, because the scenes needed to happen, and if I didn’t do them then, I couldn’t do them until the next night in story time, and that was too late. I keep hoping I’ll hit a critical mass where suddenly I leap forward and accomplish huge amounts over a short period of time, but that hasn’t happened yet. I suppose accomplishing smaller amounts methodically is as effective, if not as impressive-seeming.

miles to Minas Tirith: 114

13 thoughts on “hm. book launch party?

  1. Noooooo….not a party. People might have fun, and we all know they’re are WFC to work, work, work!

    Seriously though, it’d be grand, I’m sure. I have no idea how much effort/money goes into one of those con parties though, so you may want to talk to someone who has done one before, like maybe . And I know was talking about doing one this year, so she may have already looked into Saratoga-specific details.

  2. I’m going to at WF too and I think a party sounds GREAT! Can I be your designated driver or something?

    Woohoo!! So GLAD you’re coming! With TED!!!

  3. *Panics a little* I just read COYOTE DREAMS ((and *loved* it)). Please just reassure me that there will be a 4th book of Walker Paper madness? *smiles nicely* Pretty pretty please?

  4. -howls at your icon-

    Yes, there will be a fourth Walker Papers! And a fifth, and a sixth! That’s all I’m contracted for right now. :) The fourth book will be out in 2009, after a brief hiatus in which I’ll have another unrelated urban fantasy trilogy come out. :)

    I’m glad you liked it! *beams*

  5. Oh thank god. XD!!! I’m just making sure. *stops hyperventilating* I’ll be sure to get addicted to the other trilogy, too :P Does it take place in Seattle or another city?

  6. Set in New York. Tag line for it is, “NYC lawyer Margrit Knight has met the perfect man–only he’s a gargoyle, and wanted for murder…”

  7. 2009!?! I have to wait 2 YEARS!? Damn. I’m sure I’ll love the next trilogy, but DAMN!

  8. Sweet. I’d get grumpy if it was ANOTHER urban fantasy set in Seattle XD! It’s Walker’s spot, not anyone else’s *growls in defence*

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