
To top off what was otherwise an absolutely brilliant day, I got back from walking the dog and found a box of books from Harlequin on my doorstep.

Twenty-five copies of URBAN SHAMAN.

Oh. My. GOD.

Mom called right after I got the box, and I picked up the phone and squeaked, “Hello?” and she was calling to tell me that one of her geneology sites was making a fuss about me, but it sort of got overwhelmed by, “Guess what I just got in the mail?”

The *font*, thank heavens, is a good font. That was the very first thing I checked. I really hated the font used in the first several Luna books, but this is an ordinary Times-ish sort of thing, so it’s all good. I haven’t noticed any tyops yet. They put the dedication on a page of its own, like I asked them to. I was flipping through it and noticed some of the new scenes I wrote for the revisions, and went “Squee!” Something caught my eye and made me laugh, which seemed like a good sign. :) There are cool handprints by the chapter headings, and the chapter headings themselves are turned on their side, which I liked. There’s a *picture* of me on the back inside cover!

When Ted came home and I showed him the book, he went, “HAH!” in a giant voice of delight. :)

Mom and Dad came over and we all went *boggle* ’cause it’s like a real published book and everything! With my name on it! And *squee*! And then we went out for dinner to celebrate, ’cause *squee*!

Pictures of me looking and acting like a happy idiot are here. :)


And on *that* note, I’m going to *Hawaii*. *Jesus*, what a day!

7 thoughts on “holy…

  1. Congratulations! We who have to wait for the book to hit stores are jealous. :)


    I needed a few more o’s there.

    I’m so happy for you!

  3. Congrats! I really wanna read Urban Shaman! It’s so looonnnnnnnnnnnggggggg!

  4. WOO HOO! I am so envious but still very happy for you! Quite thrilling for you. =)

  5. Oh yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!!! That’s sooooo exciting!!!! :) Major congrats once again, Catie!!! The book looks so spiffy :)

    And have fun in Hawaii }:)

  6. YAY COUSIN KIT!!! We are all soo proud of you here! I cannot wait to read it too. :o)

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