I’ve been feeling skinny the last few days, so today I thought I’d do my bi-monthly “try on everything in the closet and see what still doesn’t fit”.
Nothing doesn’t fit. I no longer own any clothes that are too small for me. I even tried on the size 8 jeans I accidentally bought a couple of months ago, and THEY FIT! My favorite dress EVER *fits* again. My wedding dress fits better than it did the day I got married. My *high school letterman’s jacket* fits, for heaven’s sake. I have a really cute *very* soft warm pullover that one of Ted’s relatives gave me for Christmas years ago, and I’ve never been able to wear it–now I’m all looking forward to winter, because it FITS! My pinstripe suit fits (and my, don’t those shoulderpads look very 80s now!)! WOW!
*runs around SO excitedly*! Size 8! I haven’t worn a size 8 since high school! And I’ve still got 13 pounds to go before I hit my weight loss goal!
EEEEE! *runs around and around and around*! EEEEEE!
Also, I’m about 2 pounds away from having lost 50 pounds since my fattest. I think I should do something celebratory when I hit 50 pounds lost, but I don’t know what! Any ideas? Preferably not, “Go out to dinner” ideas? :)
miles to Rauros Falls: 367
miles to Hobbiton: 325.5
EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!! How about a gaming weekend for you and your friends at a hotel with a waterpark! Near a gaming store!
get a tattoo/new piercing? Fun lingerie? A bikini? A new favorite dress?
I think you ought to buy another pair of size 8 jeans!
I think you ought to buy another pair of size 8 jeans!
I like Heather and Mischa’s ideas from here, and pers1stence’s suggestion over on LJ. Buy new skinny clothes or really revel in something decadent and non-food like!
Yay skinny Kit! I can’t even imagine a size 8. :)
WOW Catie, CONGRATS, that’s great news!
ooh, how about a new red bodice–since you outshrunk the last one?