Holy matrimony, Batman.
*Besides* the extremely cool publicity thing which I will speak more of on Monday when I know more about it, I also got revisiony-edity things on *both* “Banshee Cries” *and* THE CARDINAL RULE today, which shot to hell any chance I had of accomplishing anything because my brain filled right up and went AUGH! with the sheer number of things that must needs be accomplished. Between those revision/edity things and the proposal due on June 1 and the book due on July 1, it is *very clear* to me that the Hawaii vacation will be a working vacation. This is really basically okay with me, since I anticipate 2-3 hours of work in the mornings and then fun in the sun for the afternoons, but I’d hoped for pure unadulterated time off, so it is a *tad* disappointing. But I just can’t afford to take 10 days off entirely, so there you have it.
Tomorrow I need to go over to the comic shop and talk to Sturge about doing a Bosco’s book signing on the 1st, since 1. it’s a Wednesday, which is comics day, which means it’s the busiest day the shop will see, and 2. it looks like I’m going to be busy the following Wednesday which is when we’d initially discussed me doing a signing.
Must remember coffee with Jai at 11 on Sunday.
Walked 2 miles and biked 13 today. It was really lovely out for walking and biking, which is to say it was grey and a bit misty and windless. It’s cleared up some now and I think it’s supposed to get progressively nicer until we leave for Hawaii, at which point I have no idea what the weather will do. :)
miles to Rauros Falls: 206
miles to Hobbiton: 128.2