home again!

I am filthy and unshowered, so I have no new pictures, but young Mr. Henry and myself are home from the hospital. He’s 8 pounds and 21 inches long. He is a lean mean baby machine, and getting cuter by the day.

Thank you all for the congratulations. :)

To generally answer some of the comments:

No, you didn’t miss an announcement, we’re just very sneaky!

Re: taking the rest of 2010 off: You didn’t *really* think I’d go the rest of 2010 without *some* kind of new project, did you? :)

“So you’ll be calling him Indiana?” / “You have a Stan Lee in the family!” : Not only had those thoughts crossed our minds, but we love you all for being geeky enough to notice them too. :)

Oh, and also a couple other things also got delivered on Tuesday: my author copies of DEMON HUNTS and my author copy of RUNNING WITH THE PACK, the werewolf anthology which is now available. I’ll get DEMON HUNTS into the mail for the DTRGP contributors…as soon as I can. O.O

2 thoughts on “home again!

  1. I was thinking to myself when I posted the congrats – man, I read every post – how the hell did I miss PREGNANCY! Glad to find out that you are sneaky and not that I’m brain damaged.

    Congrats to you and Ted. He’s beautiful!

  2. Congratulations! I remember the gritty, unshowered feeling coming home from the hospital with my Elliot. Hang on! You’re in for a wonderful roller coaster!

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