It is my belief that the easiest way to get hold of me will be through Twitter. I am ce_murphy on Twitter, and I’ll do my best to post announcements of where I am or where I’m going on a regular basis.
I have also created a priority filter for Gmail, which is probably going to be the 2nd best way to get hold of me. It is therefore critical if you want to be sure I’ll see your email during daytime hours, that you put NYCC in the subject line. Anything else and I’ll get to it after-hours. My email address is cemurphyauthor at gmail dot com.
I haven’t leveled up far enough to handle Facebook on the mobile, so it’s not a good way at all to get hold of me during the con. :)
The following is my schedule. Not to repeat myself, but let me say for the seventy-third or soth time that professional commitments & opportunities trump everything else, which means there are four items from Friday morning onward on this list that are sacrosanct: the Del Rey Panel, the NYCC-assigned book signing, & the two publisher-supported book signings. Everything else I’ll do my best to make it to, and to be timely, but make no set-in-stone promises. :)
I will do my very best to update Twitter if I’m going to totally fail to be somewhere. Really, even if you don’t have a Twitter account yourself, it’s going to be the best place to find out where I am, if not communicate with me. Just go to ce_murphy on Twitter and you’ll be able to read my posts there. Did I mention that’ll be the best place to find out where I’ll be?
Wednesday, October 12:
evening: dinner w/mony & monydad
Thursday, October 13:
morning: go hang out with #OccupyWallStreet for a couple hours
12pm: lunch w/Jenn
4-7pm: check out NYCC’s opening hours
7:30pm: dinner w/Laura Anne
Friday, October 14:
noonish: lunch with Del Rey editors
1:15-2:15pm: Del Rey Panel with editor Betsy Mitchell, authors Naomi Novik and Scott Westerfield (O.O) & more
3-4pm: kaffeesklatch, probably at the Javits Centre
5-6pm: signing/meet&greet at the Del Rey booth
Saturday, October 15:
pre-con: breakfast w/Mary Anne, Lei Ann & Pete.
10-11am: video interview scheduled with pretty much my very first fan ever
11am-12pm: Book signing/meet & greet at Luna/Harlequin’s booth
12-1pm: lunch w/Matt
5:30-6:30pm: Book signing/Autographing Table 7, Autographing Area – North Hall
7pmish: dinner with Kirby & Jeditigger, perhaps others
Sunday, October 16:
pre-con: breakfast w/Mary Anne, Lei Ann & Pete.
11am-12pm: kaffeesklatch thing again :)
1pm: lunch w/Paul
post-con: dinner w/Luna editor