I am remiss.

I’m told I am remiss in failing to mention frequently enough that you can find me here on Twitter or here on Facebook, as well as at this blog and at cemurphy.net.

There. My duties here are done. :)

I remembered at the last possible moment that I needed to do the Art Fact Sheet for SPIRIT DANCES, the sixth Walker Papers novel (due out April 2011; yes, this is way ahead of where you as readers are, since book five, DEMON HUNTS, is out in June), and in a fit of truthfulness, emailed my editor with the following:

I forgot about the AFS, I’ll get it flung your way shortly! I don’t suppose, “Who are we kidding? Do what you’ve been doing, with a rattlesnake as the not-Joanne image, and maybe use, oh, I don’t know, not green because book 7 is set in Ireland so we’ll want green for it, how about yellow? for a color scheme, and by the way, this is the only book in the entire series where Joanne gets gussied up, so if you want a chance to put her in a velvet sheath dress instead of jeans on the cover, grab the opportunity while you’ve got it!” would do? :)

Turns out that’ll actually pretty much do. :) I sent a few more details upon being asked, but really, who *are* we kidding? The Walker Papers covers have been awesome and as long as they keep doing the same things, I will continue to do happy dances of squeeful joy when I get ’em. :)

(Speaking of which, I have seen the cover for TRUTHSEEKER, and I LUFF it. LUFF LUFF LUFF. <3!!! I will show it off as soon as I'm given permission!) 3K writing day today. I'm thinking of working over the weekend, as it's been a pretty low-key week and I've been getting up comparatively early on weekends anyway but don't have to swim, so I could in theory just hie myself to the keyboard and get busy. I'm at about 73K on WAYFINDER, and have one more chapter to go before everything hits the fan, so I'm kind of looking forward to the possibility of just flinging myself in and not coming up for air until it's pretty much done. I figure there's somewhere between 30 and 40K left to go. Surrender the manuscript! thinks to do:
Feb 01: DEMON HUNTS AAs due
Feb 05: SPIRIT DANCES art fact sheet due
Feb 19: WAYFINDER due
Jun 30: New book proposals due

The Road Home: miles to Isengard: 106.3
ytd wordcount: 44,500
ytd km swum: 22