I love these days

I love the days when I get up early enough to be writing by 8am. I just feel so much more focused and capable. 3300 words in 3 hours this morning, and I’m going to go write some more in a few minutes here. Chanti and I went for a walk, and I think I’m going to go biking later this afternoon. I somehow suspect I may end up being obliged to do another weights work out this evening, too, just because I’ve already gotten so much done today and by this evening I may be bored again. :)

This Irish soda bread recipe is *so* *damned* *good*.

(update: 4500 words total for the day. that’s purdy good. also, i have broken 20K on this book! i think i’ll go biking now!)

ytd wordcount: 83,200
miles to Rauros Falls: 144.5

1 thought on “I love these days

  1. Is it the soda bread recipe I gave you or a different one? Oh, and I meant to warn you about adjusting the cooking time on that one… since I had to convert the temperature from Celsius.

    I’d be interested in trying a different recipe if you’ve got one. :-)

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