I meant to write yesterday, but clearly I didn’t get around to it.
Busy day. Got up early and did shopping, then had breakfast and then spent a few hours in the kitchen making chocolate gelato (which certainly didn’t freeze in the few hours I had it in the freezer; I’ll check it again sometime today) and a custard-filled lemon cake, which turned out v. nicely indeed. Then Ted moved into the kitchen to make lasagna, and very suspiciously trusted Emeril’s statement that you didn’t *have* to pre-cook the lasagna noodles, which made him (Ted, not Emeril) Very Nervous Indeed. He was quite convinced the noodles weren’t cooked after the lasagna had been in the oven two hours, so I went down and sank a knife through the lasagna in several places and assured him they *were* cooked, and he looked somewhat suspicious and nervous and grouchy, but when the lasagna turned out to be brilliant later on he was reassured. And it sure made prep time a lot shorter, he said.
While he was doing that, I worked on my new obsession project, Take A Chance.
Then Mom and Dad, and Shaun’s parents, who are in town for several days, came over for dinner and we all ate whole bunches of yummy food. :) It was a really nice evening.
Theeeeeen I came upstairs and worked on MANIFEST DESTINY to send to the Writer’s Weekend contest and after that collapsed in bed, because it had been a very long day.
Got up this morning, although not at the crack of dawn, or even 6am, which was when my alarm was set for, and Chantico and I went on a 2.5 mile walk. Chanti was very good and I’m very pleased with her. :)
Miles to Rivendell: 70