Now this is how a vacation oughta go. Read 2 books (THE MAGICIAN’S GUILD and THE NOVICE, both by Trudi Canavan) and got started on the 3rd in the trilogy (actually, I’m v. disappointed that I didn’t get all 3 read today, but I didn’t start reading until after noon, so oh well. I’ll do better tomorrow!), made bread, walked 4 miles and went to the chiropractor. And cleaned the kitty litter. :) Oh, and I did laundry and read a book last night, too. NINE LAYERS OF SKY, by Liz Williams, which has one of the best sex scenes I’ve ever read. Two pages. Totally non-graphic. I had to take my polar fleece off when I was done reading it. *fans self* My goodness.
Hm. I should … there. Fix the lower pages to be more like the main page. :)
Ok. Bedtimeish, now.
miles to Rauros Falls: 27.5