
I am interviewed! Just finished my DragonPage interview, which will air sometime in October. That was fun. :) I’ll post a link when it’s up!

Chanti and I /did/ go on a nice long walk, which had some Scary Adventures during it, like the tour bus worth of people coming back from Earthquake Park as we were heading down that way. Poor scaredy Chanti just stood there with her tail between her legs and refused to move while fifty old people walked by and said hello to her. :) Poor, silly, scaredy dog. And then on our way home a little boy of five or so came running up behind her to try to pet her, and she was sufficiently scared to growl, though she ran away rather than attacking him (which doesn’t surprise me). But she didn’t like that at all, poor scaredy thing. She was tired enough by then that if he’d asked, she might’ve sat down and let him pet her, but running up behind her just freaked her out. Fortunately the kid’s parents were the sort to regard the problem as their child rather than my dog, and they were telling him he couldn’t do things like that or he might get hurt as we went away.

The guy to replace our garage door came over to *enormous* amounts of barking from my scaredy dog. He’s out there working now. Woot!

miles to Mount Doom: 62