Mmm. Cherries are good. I wonder if I plant some of these cherry pits if I’ll get cherry trees eventually.
My life seems very busy, although I think in absolute terms it’s actually not. Still, yesterday we went into Dublin, I said as if we weren’t living in Dublin, but meaning the city centre when I say that, and wandered about buying important things like barrettes, hair dye, and athlete’s-foot-cure. And new socks. Does anybody know if semi-permanent hair dye really washes out, or if it just fades unpleasantly?
I also stopped by the writer’s (writers’?) museum to ask if they knew anything about writing groups in Dublin. They said I wanted the writers’ centre (must be s’), which was next door, but which was closed until 9 August for summer holidays. Oh, said I, and went off again imagining what story they might have concocted about a young woman with a baby asking about writers’ groups. Not, I expect, that she has fifteen books out and makes a living as a novelist. :)
And then, because it was there, we had a little walk through the Garden of Rememberance, which is rather attractive, although the man with the incredibly rough smoker’s voice giving out to the woman in tears about her lifestyle was less so. Then home again, where I did no writing at all.
Today I headed out on our daily excursion and randomly decided to go to the Botanic Gardens instead of down the canal path. This was a very good decision, as the Botanic Gardens are *beautiful* and I could spend many, many hours there. They have a (currently half-grown) sunflower maze. :) However, I think next time I go there I’ll save myself the 3/4ths mile walk there and back, and take the bus, so I have more time and stamina to enjoy the gardens themselves.
I miss having a dryer. We have a pile of clothes that cannot increase much more because we’re both running *out* of clothes which have not been washed because the weather’s been too inclement to put them out on the line to dry. We have been, instead, almost keeping up with the diapers, which are taking turns hanging out during the spates of no rain and being draped about the house otherwise. I also miss the shrink effect dryers have, particularly since, through no virtue of my own, I have lost five pounds since we moved to Dublin and my single pair of jeans are getting rather baggy, even when they just go on.
The Road Home: miles to Isengard: 348.1