Last night I woke abruptly from a dream in which I was reading the revision letter for the manuscript I’d sent in earlier this month. In the letter, my editor gently pointed out that I’d inserted a huge chunk of fanfic in the middle of the book, and I should be prepared to cut that section. She didn’t think that we could get licensing rights for that property–particularly since I’d killed off one of their main characters.
I called my editor to discuss and informed her that the character in question NEEDED TO DIE. The ever-patient Anne agreed, and then pointed out, once again, the issue of licensing. [more]
This is how a writer’s mind works. :) You seize upon something that is very frequently *totally* irrational, and gnaw it like it’s coyote ugly. (It took three times to spell ‘coyote’ correctly. Given the title of my next book, you would not think that word would be a problem.) A while ago, having revised HEART OF STONE approximately nine hundred thousand times, I realized to my abject horror that the hero and the heroine’s last names both started with the same letter. Now, I spend a lot of time thinking about character names and meanings and echoes and reflections and Stuff Like That. There were *reasons* for their names being what they were. But one of them is “Knight”, and I don’t think my brain ever fully registered that ‘knight’ starts with a K.
I spent three days completely obsessed with this detail and how people were going to think I was being cutsey and kitschy and other things ending in -y. My mother thought I was completely mad and that nobody would notice except a handful of people who might think there was Meaning to it. And really, this is a dumb thing to worry about. Still. Total obsession. Reality need not apply.
I have, for some value of fortunately, been sufficiently busy the last couple of years to not have time to share
I may have strayed off the point there. Or maybe I didn’t. Hard to tell. Anyway, done typing for now. :)
miles to Dunharrow: 148
Honestly…three day…over names? You could’ve solved your problem in thirty seconds with the magic of “Find and Replace”. Writers are weird. :P
Was there some reason to do the obsessy thing instead of the replacey thing? Just wondering because…well, I don’t really know why. Just nosey I guess.
Ack, I’ve had three different characters have FIRST names that start with the same letter (‘s’ to be precise). In the Same Story. Which I was told in a creative writing class that it was the ULTIMATE EVIL (capital letters included). Talk about not paying attention to your writing!
Yes. As I said in the post: Now, I spend a lot of time thinking about character names and meanings and echoes and reflections and Stuff Like That. There were *reasons* for their names being what they were. Hence, I didn’t want to change them. Thought that was implied. :)
I usually change them when I do that, unless I’ve done it on purpose, which I’ve done once or twice, but not in anything published (yet). :) Stupid names. They’re hard! :)
Until you mentioned it, I didn’t even think about the fact that both of their last names start with K – most of the time people refer to him by his first name or his nickname, so that didn’t really register. But, I get your point.
And, happy to do so. :)
I meant more what in particular was it about this specific name that was special, but I was too busy trying to be funny to actually make my meaning clear. Sorry. :(
Oh. You’ll have to read the books and figure it out yourself. :)
My editor saw my post on LJ, and found it hysterically funny :-)
Didn’t see that one coming. :P