It’s going to be busy this week. There’s the Democrats Abroad meeting tomorrow evening and Baby Cinema on Wednesday and perhaps I’ll get to the toddler group on Friday, and there’s the housewarming party Sunday next. (Remember that? 1-6pm August 1st! Email for the address, if you’re in, y’know, the right country or a conveniently neighboring one! :)) And that’s not including going into town to get paint and cat food and visiting my parents in their new house and no doubt a zillion other things. Jeez. I’m tired just thinking about it.
It hasn’t rained! So my plans for the day are as follows:
– sweep the garden* as thoroughly as possible not done yet, but a start is made
– scrape up cruft not done yet, but a start is made
– wash the back wall
– go buy zilli food
– laundry. fuckloads and fuckloads of laundry FINALLY CAUGHT UP
Remainder of the week:
– paint garden wall if weather permits
– perhaps hang a second clothes line
– finish unpacking my office
– finish unpacking the library
– get art up in library & office
– finish ch 3 of RAVEN CALLS
– write synopses for RAVEN CALLS & the last 2 Walker Papers
*Technically the ‘garden’ probably is a patio, as someone suggested. I just couldn’t think of the word, and perhaps have a vague connotation of ‘patio’ also having grass beyond it, which ours doesn’t. It’s just a walled-in concrete-floored space beside/behind the house.