I have a lot of left over egg whites after making lemon curd last week and in my kind of never-ending quest to find things to do with them, I made these actually quite intensely chocolately meringue cookies. I tried one, thought it was pretty good, offered one to Dad, he thought it was good, so I went to Indy and said, “My son, the moment has come when I must call upon you to perform one of the sacred duties of childhood.”
Indy: ::groans loudly::
Me, handing him a cookie: Taste test this cookie.
Indy, brightening and taking a bite: OOOH good! (beat) WHAT. WHAT DID I JUST BITE INTO?
Me: What do you THINK you just bit into?
Indy: It LOOKS like one of my double chocolate death cookies, but it tastes like it’s full of…marshmallows???
Me, impressed: It’s made mostly of egg whites, so, yeah, exactly. Worth making again?
Indy: YES.
So that’s a success. But they’re too chocolatey for Ted, so I’m going to have to try a batch with milk chocolate. These are VERY intense, so I actually think milk chocolate will work just fine, which is very unusual for chocolate cookies, in my experience and opinion.
Notes: the batter is much less fluffy than I expected it to be, and then stiffens THE HELL up when you add the melted chocolate. I can’t decide if it’s meant to be gooey pre-melted-chocolate or if it should be fluffier, altho the result is certainly satisfactory. I want to do some experiments with adding the sugar differently (indeed, possibly even with using different sugar, because it calls for powdered!) and see if it makes a fluffier base, although it doesn’t need one, I just expected it to be that way.
I’m also going to give it a shot with lemon, because if I can make that work they’ll be UH MAY ZING. It’ll require substituting the cocoa for flour, obviously, and far, far less lemon juice than it calls for melted chocolate, so that’s going to alter the texture considerably, but I think I can make it work with an experiment or two. I’ll post the recipe if I make it work in a satisfactory manner. :)