My cousin Heidi has a little boy, Dane, who is eleven days younger than Breic. Dane, like Breic, is a Knight in Shining Armor (although Breic calls the costume “my knight in shining armor”, if you want to get picky about it all).
They are so cute I could scream. :)
Dane (please look carefully at his reflection, off to the left):
There are two more pictures, Breic on his Noble Steed and Dane coming to the attack!, which really ought not be missed. :)
One of these days I’m going to get those photo albums better organized. This, however, is not that day.
I’ve begun laundry this morning. I’ve gotten another page from my artist (it is *so cool* to see what I wrote turning into pictures. I do not visualize, so I have to think really hard about writing a comic script, and seeing somebody take my words and turn them into the pictures I thought they should look like is pretty damned amazing.). I’ve more or less resigned myself to having to rewrite the beatsheets. Ted got the stairs and office vacuumed yesterday, and cleaned the kitchen and made a stab at the downstairs bathroom, and I cleaned our bathroom, so there’s a lot less housework to do. Overall, things are pretty good. I’ve had breakfast, and I’m going to go bury myself on the couch and write.
In absolutely unrelated good news, Sarah is getting published. I’m very, very proud and happy for her. :)
Awww! I loved the steed picture =)
How interesting….I have that very same armor… Your nephew has good taste! ;)
So that’s where Sarah’s been hiding! I’ve been looking on her domain for what seems like forever, and it’s still idle.
Thankee thankee!