19 hours to go. It’s $55 from $17K right now. I’m doing the hysterical page re-load thing again, like a five year old on Christmas Eve, unable to stop peeking down the stairs to see if Santa’s come yet.
The guess-the-final-total contest is closed now. I can’t close comments on the entry, but any guesses posted after I post this journal entry won’t be counted. Don’t want people to be able to totally game the win at the last minute.
Just to sum up what you get for buying into the campaign:
At $5: 2 short stories, the novella, a digital download calendar
At $10: the above & another short story
At $25: the above, a 4th short story & a second novella.
At $30, the above + a physical copy of the calendar
At $75, the above + a signed chapbook of the cover art photo shoot
At $100, the above + an 8×10 signed poster of the cover art AND a copy of the limited edition trade paperback
At $250, the above + a 2012 CE Murphy Dublin photography calendar
Um. Gee. While I was posting this, it tipped over to $17K.
I think I may go faint now.