last interview

The last interview this morning went well. It’ll be aired early tomorrow morning, apparently, but best of all, I had time to talk to the guy for a few minutes before and after the actual interview, and he said he could very easily send me a copy of it, so I’ll have at least *that* interview to post on when I get home next week. There are at least 3 others that were taped, so I’m going to ask my PR people if I can get copies of those ones, too, and if I’m really lucky some of the others will have been taped as well. Probably not, but hope springs eternal! :)

I’m halfway through reading Gail’s THE COMPASS ROSE, and I’m enjoying it. Reading is so nice…

2 thoughts on “last interview

  1. “I’m going to ask my PR people…”

    So, how does it feel to type that? :)

  2. *laugh* As I typed it, I thought something along the lines of, “God, how arrogant.” *laugh* It’s pretty strange. :)

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