I should be writing, because I’ve got to get on the 1:30 train into Cork today, so my time’s a little limited, buuuut…
This morning I had email from LibraryThing creator Tim Spalding, who’s added a new LT feature: LibraryThing Authors. It’s basically just a way for users to easily find what books their favorite authors might have on their shelves, but I think it’s pretty darned nifty. :)
(25 minutes later: This is me, LEAVING LIBRARYTHING AND GOING TO WORK!)
I so want to join LiberaryThing now….
I need me a credit card!
I was talking about you to my in-laws (who are visiting from Maine with their grandson for the first time) this morning. They had Halle Berry on the Today Show this morning to interview her about X-3 and I was telling them about my writer friend online who keeps prefacing most of what she says about X-3 with (which is probably going to suck) just to prepare herself in case it does. *laugh* They were amused and could relate to that anticipation mixed with apprehension sort of feeling. At any rate, here’s hoping it doesn’t suck!!!
Hrm, we’ve been trying to get our books cataloged (and straighted) since at least 1998. That could be the motivation and I need.
That and time.
‘Tis bookmarked though.
BTW Congrats on having Keats as a reader :)
Is this the way of the world, now? Is it important to let the world know my library, and to pay for the privilege to do so? Is it the new social mechanic that connects people to the world? Or are people so interested in feeling like the part of something bigger that it’s making this kind of site popular?
Mind you, this LibraryThing is really pretty danmed sweet. Now if only Delicious Library gets a hook into it…
Ooh, more toys. Pity I don’t actually have a mac these days… Then again, the nice thing about Librarything is finding people who have similar tastes in books as me, and seeing what they have read and recommended that I haven’t read yet. Almost as good as picking up tips at my former favorite bookstore, now gone the way of most brick&mortar places in the age of the Amazon…