So Jason, my colorist, sent me the 2nd Chance page, and it looks terrific (as demonstrated below the cut) and I told him so. He wrote back to say, “Don’t get too excited yet, this guy whose work I really admire is giving me pointers on how to make it even BETTER” and asking me to bear with him if he was a little slower doing the pages than he said he’d be, because he was getting all kinds of private tutorials and improving his craft.
That is just about as damned satisfying to me as anything could be. *idiotic grin* Ardian–I don’t know if I mentioned this–has quit the day job to pursue being a comic book artist full time, which is cool beyond *words*. Jason’s using my book to learn new coloring techniques…all I need is to find some way to make this the perfect gig for the woman doing letters for me, and I will be the smuggest creator ever! :)
eta: holy cow. Jason sent updated colors for the second page:
*drool* So when do I get to buy this again?
And Barney???? Yes all the gods and all the goddesses please help you.
Am impressed. When did you say this was likely to be on sale??
*laugh* There is no projected date of sale. I don’t have a publisher. :) I suppose if everything went absolutely and unbelievably according to plan, maybe June… :)
Wow, that’s incredibly well done. I’de definitely buy this book just on looks alone, even without knowing the brilliant author.
Took me a few to spot the difference — reflected lights! Very nice :)