We were trying to find the Hard Rock Cafe and instead found an internet cafe (the HRC is another couple blocks down), so we stopped to get online and find directions to the HRC. :)
I have been in Hawaii 7 days and I have not gotten a sunburn. *Ted* got sunburned, but *I* didn’t. Hah!
We’ve been having a bloody magnificent time. It’s been really laid back, and we feel sort of like we haven’t been frantic enough to be having fun, but we’ve been having an amazing time. I will write big fat entries when I get back. :)
YAY! I’m glad everyone got their books! *beam*
Ok, there are about thirty thousand things I could talk about, but I’m not going to. I’m going to go have some lunch at a tourist trap, instead. :) And I’ll be back in force on Saturday! :)
Oh, hey! Wish us a happy anniversary! 8 years today! Ai!
*zooms now*
Happy anniversary! I’ve been waiting all day for you to log on so you’d see a post saying “Happy Anniversary!”
Happy Anniversary!
Happy Anniversary!
Happy Anniversary!
Happy Anniversary!
Happy Anniversary! I’ll go stand in front of the local fountain and get drenched in your honor. :)
Happy anniversary!
Happy Anniversary!!! :)
Happy Anniversary!