making book

Jesus but 420 pages is a big stack of paper.

I’m putting HEART OF STONE in the mail. I’ve addressed concerns, edited left and right, rewritten and revised until my eyes are bleeding, and now the damned book is going in the mail, because even if Jenn hates it (which will cause me to fling myself off the roof, but nevermind that) at least it will no longer be in my hands. And that is the best possible place for it, at this point. I am wrapping it up in hot pink and bright orange rubberbands and I am shipping it out of here.

Okay, I’ll probably wait til I’ve done my very last edits on “Banshee Cries” and send them both together, but the point is, DONE. Finished. Kaput.


1 thought on “making book

  1. One more Banshee comment – first, it was good! (ok, so it’s two comments, so sue me)

    I was surprised at the end when Jo said something about that being why her mother had taken her to the US. I’d missed that bit in the beginning, apparently. It is probably in there somewhere, but some of your more clueless readers may miss it.

    When can I read the first book? You know that I’ll buy them all so that I can brag about knowing a published author, but I want to read them NOW. *pout*

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