Meme stolen from Patch, whose username I can’t spell. :) (
What is the meaning of your LJ user name?
A long time ago I played a character named Kit on a MUSH.
What 3 LJ friends have you known longest?
Have you had sex with any of your LJ friends?
Is/are your significant other/s on LJ?
Ted’s got a feed, anyway.
Do you have LJ friends you’ve never met in real life?
Do you have friends you met first on LJ, then in real life?
Nope. If everyone hadn’t had the hurling sickness earlier this month, I’d have met
Does it hurt your feelings when someone unfriends you?
What would make you unfriend someone?
Too many postings a day. I’ve got an upper limit to what my brain can absorb. :)
Do you discuss personal information in your LJ?
*add add add*
Wakey wakey!
Ten flippin’ years. Jeez. :)
*beats the snot out of Fred*
*hugs Fred tightly*
I’ve missed you, you twit! *big grin*
Anyway, friended you, if for some reason you want to read all about my trip to Thailand…
As far as I can tell, no one I know from before college actually has a livejournal- I’ve hunted about via region and interest and all, but, well… there’s so MANY ljs to look through!