Would somebody in the States be willing to go get a money order and send it to Hong Kong for me? This ebay auction I’ve won doesn’t do Paypal and I can’t get the online payment service they do use to work for me. They’ve asked, in that case, for a US dollars money order, and at this moment in time it seems easier to ask somebody to go get me one and send it, and have me Paypal them the cost, than anything else. It’d be like $60. I could even, like, throw in a copy of THUNDERBIRD FALLS, maybe, if’n you wanted. :)
In the meantime, a poll:
Well, my response is blind because I’m intrigued by RIGHT ANGLES TO FAERYLAND, though I know nothing about it :D But the sooner you revise it and get it sold, the sooner I’ll know about it ;)
Exactly, and moreso. And. My impression is that RAtFL has been in the batter’s box for so long, selling it would be something that would Make Catie Happy. I’m all for things that do that.
I can do the Paypal/Money order for you, Catie. Email me at captain_hobbes at yahoo dot com and let me know the details. :)
If it was me, I’d say pick one of the work-type options and THEN slack off and read books. ;) Maybe set yourself a nice goal to hit, X number of pages of writing or revisions, or maybe draft the proposal, and then read something to treat yourself!
Buy yourself that library Thing lifetime account you know you want…
Other: be interviewed on a podcast!
Write CAULDRON BORNE proposal.
I, too, would be happy to take care of a money order for you. Especially (but not only!) if there was a copy of TF involved. Doubly especially because I know where the real TF are. *wink*
Glad to hear Ted’s arm is uncasted, although I’m having difficulty picturing Ted with a skinny arm. Much love to all of you, kitties included. :)
I told Toni that TF was coming, soon, and she said, “Oh, that’s right. Catie is from Alaska.” She’s very happy about the title, and even more happy that she can stop waiting for TF, soon.
Of course, I mostly voted for slacking because I appear to be spending my spring break reading comic books, so take that as you will. o.O