– a package from ted’s mom arrived. it is a package that was sent may 31. it has melted chocolate chips, exploded corn meal, and crisco in it. *laugh* we now have enough corn meal to last FOREVER. :)
– SQUEE! looks like WINTER MOON has been published in French, and THUNDERBIRD FALLS will be out in France in January! rock on!
– finished colors for page one of chance here
– SQUEE! mark two: the leisure centre here has opened! i must go over there and find out when adult swim is!
– picoreview: Match Point. ted and i watched this today. it’s *extremely* well performed and well written and i spent most of the movie actually slightly nauseated over the situation and anticipation of its potential outcomes because it was so very well performed, but i did not enjoy watching it
– i believe i’m sold on the dana.
– that’s all i can think of right now :)
-Squee! for French publication!
-Squee! for finished colors!
But…that icon is WRONG. I am not supposed to stare like this. Knock it off.
*giggles at the package* D’oh!
I want your books in French!
Hello? See previous comment offering cheap second-hand Dana?
Yes! emailing you as we speak! er. that sounded wrong. You know what I mean. :)
Got it. Back atcha!
How exactly are you supposed to stare?
You can order them from amazon.fr! ;) I need to do that… :)
Discreetly and with dignity. Of course.
Neat! Premixed “instant” cornmeal chocolate chip cookies! Yay, Ted’s mom! :)
Oh, and amazon.com just recommended that I buy T-Bird Falls. They’re a teeny bit on the LATE side, but big points for the effort…
Hypnotic booby icon… Well, it would be if there were motion…
I am *so* not animating that icon. If you want bouncing boobies go look at this icon.
I had a moral imperative to make the suggestion…you know, for the common good and all that.
Could add a whole new segment to your fan base. Just sayin’…
“a package from ted’s mom arrived. it is a package that was sent may 31. it has melted chocolate chips, exploded corn meal, and crisco in it. *laugh* we now have enough corn meal to last FOREVER.”
I had almost the exact same thing happen in Australia, except it was Bisquick instead of cornmeal.