more flocked writing stuff: hands of flame

Yesterday, for possibly the first time since beginning this book, I actually felt a spark of excitement about writing it. I’ve gotten back to more or less where I was (heavier on the ‘less’ side, I’m afraid, as 300 pages is still a long way away), and the book has a significantly different shape than it did before.

I was able to keep several chapters almost entirely unchanged, and now instead of taking the easy way out at the end of that section I’m rewriting it entirely to launch my characters into the second ~half of the book and to actually build up to the crescendo that a trilogy deserves. In most ways it will be the ending I anticipated. In others it will be completely different.

I wish very much I had more time to finish this in. I’m writing somewhere between 1 and 2K a day (more when challenged; thank you, & ), which is just not fast enough to finish it by the end of the month, particularly with copy edits for TQB coming up in the next two weeks. I’m capable of writing faster; we all know that. But in a lot of ways I feel like I’m a little strung out here, and that trying to push harder might just bollocks it up completely.

Okay. Lunch is done. Back to work.

2 thoughts on “more flocked writing stuff: hands of flame

  1. Ok – I was humming King of pain when I read this entry – which was a little odd when I got as far as which music you were listening to!!

  2. In many ways i think books are like children and what works for one will not always work them all whatever the gurus say. So give your problem child the time it needs – or at least what time you can – and focus on the fact that it is the difficult offspring that tends to most delight the parents once they are all grown up and shiny and off making their way in the world.

    Failing that we could meet for hot chocolate some morning and have a mood-in.

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