more gaming

I’ll write the San Francisco leg of the adventure next. Maybe even today, depending on how efficient I am with the writing of things I’m actually being paid to write. :)

Gaming was fun, as usual. Melissa and Pat are becoming moderate gaming geeks, and putting genuine thought into their characters and starting to do things like multi-class and generally having a good time with it. Hee hee. :) It’s really nice to actually SEE people and hang out and have fun!

And I am currently shirking an opportunity to do it again. Christopher’s starting an Eberron game, with a slightly different set of players, and while I think I do want to play, this book is hanging over my head and I need to work on it. So Ted’s off doing chargen and hanging out stuff, and in a minute I’m going to go make some words appear on a different computer than this one.

Apparently all the rich food I’ve eaten the last few days caught up with me last night, for at 4:30 in the morning I leapt out of bed and raced into the bathroom to hurl. There are apparently many people who can vomit all but silently. I am not one of these people; vomiting includes the use of my voicebox. Always has. So poor Ted got to listen to me go HRRRRAAGH! HRRRRRNNNG! for a while last night. Isn’t it nice to be married to me? o.o But I felt much better after that, and deci… you know, I was feeling sort of icky much of the day yesterday, now that I think about it. Christopher thought I looked like death warmed over, when he came over for gaming. Maybe I had some kind of little bug. Huh. Anyway, so I decided I really needed the Cleansing of Chlorine this morning, even if I was still pretty exhausted from my 4 A.M. pyrotechnics, and went swimming this morning. Only did a thousand yards, but I thought that was good enough for a pukey girl. :)

Ok, going to go write a bit now, and eventually walk the dog, and then go buy a TV/DVD unit. I know how to have fun!

yards swum: 8200
miles to Lothlorien: 434
ytd wordcount: 28,100

1 thought on “more gaming

  1. Poor poor Kit!! I really do feel for you.
    (Yeah, I am one of those few that are silent when sick. No one knows I am sick unless they walk in on me puking.)

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