Everyone else in this part of the world is currently curled up watching the season finale of Doctor Who, which I am not watching because we’ve just moved and can’t afford to get cable yet. *headdesk* So instead, I’m finishing up my words for the day, and trying to remember the eighty-three things I’ve been meaning to blog about. Apparently none of them are actually worth remembering, which is kind of sad. So I guess it’s mostly metrics today, and then I’m going to go re-watch more of series 1 New Who, as I’ve been wanting to do that for a while.
56,236 / 110,000
(51.1%) |
Sadly, the halfway point is the last exciting milestone for a long time. Usually the 2/3rds point is a nice one, but in this case it’s so close to the 75K/300 page mark (which is much more impressive) that it’s meaningless. So I’ve got a long way to go before I get another rah-rah-yay-me moment. Still, halfway there!
ytd wordcount: 257,600
miles to Isengard: 72
You’ll love how Doctor Who ends!