My, what wind there is today! I think it’s supposed to be a chinook, but it’s blowing so damned hard it’s cold anyway. I’ve only walked a mile so far, and I’m trying to convince myself to go back out into it to walk further. WHOOOOSH!
2300 words today, ch. 2 finished, plan to more or less blow through ch. 3 tomorrow and fix ch. 1 on Sunday and look at the synopsis then too (weekend? what’s a weekend?), and send off the FD proposal.
If I am extremely, *extremely* talented, I will then start getting up early enough to exercise and write some on FD in the mornings and do my TBF revisions in the afternoons. TBF may have to take precedence for a few days, though, because revisions are hard.
I’m wearing one of my new shirts. I feel extremely cute. :)
(It’s apparently an extreme kind of day!)
Ted and I bought big hard plastic water bottles at REI last night. I’ve been carting mine around with me to various computers and the couch and everywhere today, and have consequently drunk far more water than I usually do. This is good. Yay!
*eyes the wind dubiously*
ytd wordcount: 52,200