na’ bad

Na’ bad, na’ bad. 2900 words today, which is what I have to do daily for the next 10 days if I want to hit 60K before we go to Hawaii. I’m wildly unlikely to finish the book before then, but 3/4ths complete would be excellent. I’ve been all whingy about doing it, but that’s just sheer laziness going on.

Later on tonight, when I get bored, which I suspect will happen, I’ll very likely get COYOTE DREAMS started in some fashion or another. Synopsizing, anyway, ’cause the proposal’s due on the 1st. If I’m Supahcool, or at least diligent, I could fairly easily do 1K a day on that for the next 10 and have much of the proposal ready to go before we leave. Diligence, I’m afraid, is more important than being Supahcool.

I’ve also walked 4.5 miles today, and that together with writing is pretty much the sum total of my activities.

ytd wordcount: 104,700
miles to Rauros Falls: 192