new york, new york!

Ted and I made it into NYC safely yesterday. The plane flight was one of the more comfortable ones I remember, and I got 5500 words written (2 chapters! CHEEAAAARGE!) and am at something like 46K on the book now. *Yes*. Hoping to write on the train out to Long Island this afternoon, and then I’m assuming tomorrow and Sunday will be complete losses. :)

We did not check luggage. I will never check luggage again, if I can avoid it. We zoomed through customs and didn’t have to wait to pick anything up, and in a fit of laziness, when we were accosted by a limo driver just outside the airport doors, we said, “Oh, what the hell,” and took a towncar into NYC. It was very comfortable, and the driver told us funny stories. :)

We got checked in, were put in a stinky smoking room, asked to be moved, and got put into a much less dingy non-smoking room, which made us very happy. It’s not a great hotel, but the bed was more comfy than we expected, so hey. It’s all good. And we went out to dinner with Matrice, and had a *really* good time. By 10, though, Ted and I were totally faded (poor Ted, who has been very tired in general because of his arm, was white as a ghost, and for a man of his general complexion, that’s not easy.) We were so utterly exhausted that we were able to go right to sleep despite the traffic, so that was good, too.

Aaaand, let’s see. We’re off to Harlequin in just a few minutes here, and then going by DMLA to drop off contracts, *and* there’s email from Jenn saying the Del Rey contracts will be there waiting for me to sign, so, you know, *fliffs hair*, we’ll just breeze into New York, sign a few contracts, hobnob with editors, generally be elite stinkers, and go have a great weekend at I-Con. Hee hee. :)

‘k, almost out of time on this stupid hotel computer, so *vroom*.

2 thoughts on “new york, new york!

  1. Glad you were able to accomplish alot on the flight over. Have a great time!

  2. You’re actually doing this yourself, instead of having your people get in touch with their people? :)

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