Been a nice day. We went to see Fantastic Four, which made me laugh out loud any number of times, so hey, I was happy with it. Picked up the Audi, which seems to be running beautifully now, a mere one year after we bought it. Ted ordered contacts and I got my new glasses, and everybody in the house was obliged to take a nap during the hot afternoon, and then we gamed. Gaming was good; we actually completed this story arc and killed the major bad guy (woo! go us!), and we have 2 more weeks of gaming before Jack goes away again for something. So that’s cool. And I got my revision letter for Thunderbird Falls, which I haven’t read yet, but I’ve *got* it, and so now I don’t have to panic about only having 2 weeks to get the revisions done in, because I have 5.
Weekend is over. Tomorrow it’s back to work doing edits and revisions on Firebird Deception. Mom suggests I merely sand and repaint the cupboards, which I’ll probably do, because while I think it would look a lot nicer with natural wood colors, it’s not worth screwing up my back. :P
Gonna go to bed now, I guess. G’night.
miles to Rauros Falls: 336