Not a bad writing day at some 1500 words, though I could’ve done more. Still, heck fire, that puts me at about 3% of the novel done! Only another 389 pages to go! By January 31st!
Pleasant news in my email box: “Blending”, the short story I wrote for Ekaterina Sedia‘s werewolf anthology, RUNNING WITH THE PACK, has been accepted for the anthology. That’s out next May.
I actually got out of the house and went for a walk this afternoon. Because I’ve done so very little exercise for the past several months, and because I thought perhaps structure would be helpful, I thought I’d try the Calorie Counter’s 12 weeks to weight loss plan. I’m not, truth be told, all that worried about losing weight right now (maintaining through the holidays would be triumph enough), but it’s basically just a beginner’s workout sort of thing and I figure it can’t possibly hurt to try. (Except in the sense of sore muscles.) Maybe I can reward myself in some splendid way if I do all 12 weeks. (By, like, going to P-Con, which happens to be the day after 12 weeks would be up. But I’m going to P-Con anyway. :))
Let’s see, what else. Mmmnnnope, can’t think of anything else right now, so I believe I’ll go finish reading
miles to Minas Tirith: 88.2
ytd wordcount: 254,500