Today’s triumph: actually breaking 40K on the book, which I did not intend. Although I’m a *long* damned way from the downhill side of this thing, I in theory now have fewer than 100,000 words to write on it. Right now that feels remarkably like finding the downhill side. Later it won’t, but with any luck it’ll get me through a big writing push this week.
The week’s goal is 25K. 5 5K days, and taking Saturday *off*. The plan is to both go to bed and get up early, so I might accomplish a thousand words of writing before going to the gym when it opens, and to be back at home, clean, fed and writing again by 9 or worst-case scenario, 9:30am every day. I know very well that the earlier I start writing the more likely I am to reach prodigious wordcounts, so if I can manage the early-morning writing that’ll help a lot. I also anticipate hanging out on Forward Motion hoping for word wars. If there are any other regular-user writer chat rooms that you know about that I should come stick my head in, let me know and I might do that too. Encouragement is good, when embarking on madness.
Next week is full of hectic business, what with going to Dublin on the 12th for the NISFA chat thingy, then coming back to Cork on the 13th for Ted’s 3 days off, which were supposed to include the 12th so he could go with me but which utterly failed to work that way because his work screwed up, so I do not have any Mad Plans for that week. Maybe if I don’t manage to hit a full 25K in the next 5 days I’ll try to pad it out during next week’s writing, but nothing other than that.
Bother. I just realized today is Sunday and I missed the writer’s group. Oh well. I was writing. :)
I’m going to go feed myself and do something that’s not writing for the rest of the evening.
ytd wordcount: 46,900
miles to Minas Tirith: 91.7