not bougie after all :)

I turned out to be not bougie after all, because a couple hours after I booked the laundry service, the landlord came by with a new dryer (on a Saturday evening!) and we could do our own laundry, so I cancelled the service. :)

I am, however, looking at the living room floor, which was last vacuumed about eight days ago and has collected visible amounts of dog hair, and am booking a cleaner. Even if all they ever deal with is vacuuming and the bathroom, that will be enough. Possibly that’ll free up enough mental space for us to deal with…other stuff…

(3 days later)

I DID THE THING. I booked the cleaner, and she’s been in. I can’t blame her for deeming our vacuum inappropriate for the staircase, because it is, but she vacuumed everything that wasn’t the stairs. :)

IDK if she didn’t feel ‘the shower’ was part of the bathroom, tho, or if she was more focused on the obvious grout grime on tiles OUTSIDE of the shower, and tbf, it appears that the tiles outside of the shower are Much Better. The rest of the bathroom definitely is, as is the kitchen floor.

I’m reasonably pleased, overall. I also feel that probably what this house needs is a significant deep clean and then somebody in regularly, but it’s literally too much of a mess right now to have somebody in to do a deep clean, so that sort of has to be dealt with somehow. And we have stuff that needs to be done that cleaners, AFAICT, don’t do. Like the bedrooms are cold so sometimes we have candles in them, but one of them apparently has little enough draft that the smoke wasn’t whisked away, so the walls are dirty and need thorough washing and nobody seems to do that. So we need to.

Also, like, we just have a HUGE amount of boxes of clothes, dead electronics, and even some furniture that just needs to be taken away so things can be tidied into their space, and…apparently that’s very difficult.

Still, at least the floors are vacuumed.

Yes, yes, this is my life, wearily obsessed with housecleaning right now…

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