
I have got the particularly huge sleepies today. Possibly because I stayed up til 1am for some silly reason. But it is not good for revisions to have such huge sleepies. I may cut myself some slack and do only fifty pages today, and take a nap. Or something. I don’t know. I really should do a hundred. Well, all right. I started on page 191 this morning. I will get to at least page 250 today. I may nap as well, and I think I must go to the gym in order to be functional, but I will get to at least page 250. I have spoken; so mote it be.

I have noticed I’m better at getting things done if I write them down. This is not unusual; it’s one of those exercises They say you should do as a recipe for success. My problem is that I tend to write things down on a computer, so if I want to keep a steady record, I have to keep using the same computer or the same online system to write things down. My writing computer, though, isn’t online, and my revisions computer is a laptop (the one problem with Nook is there is nowhere at all to put papers to work from), and my internet computer is the desktop, so I can’t rely on the internet connection to write something down with, and if I’m doing revisions, for example, I don’t turn Nook on because I’m using the laptop. So it becomes very difficult to keep a record of easily-updateable goals to accomplish.

This morning while I was in the shower it struck me that I could *looks around furitively* write it down. On paper. I have many paper journals. I like paper journals. I have, at the moment, more than five years worth of journals waiting to be written in. I could use one of those. Then I could carry it around with me, and write things down in it.

The mind, she boggles!

2 thoughts on “nrrgh.

  1. Love your books! You seem to be facing alot of challenges and doing fine. Give me numbers I’m fine but words, Ugh!

  2. Giggle. It does boggle, doesn’t it? I’m the same way with needing to write myself notes to remind myself of things. However, I also have an addiction for pretty fountain pens with neat coloured inks, so the concept of using paper is obvious: more excuses to use my pretties!

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