Wednesday, October 12: dinner is booked.
Thursday, October 13:
lunch & dinner are both booked, though times haven’t been sorted yet
Friday, October 14:
1:15-2:15pm: panel with my Del Rey editor Betsy Mitchell, authors Naomi Novik and Scott Westerfield (O.O) and others.
3-4pm: kaffeesklatch, probably only nominally since it’ll probably be at the Javits Centre. But I’ll find a place to plunk down where people can find me for an hour.
Saturday, October 15: breakfast is booked.
11am-12pm: Book signing/meet & greet at Luna/Harlequin’s booth
5:30-6:30pm: Book signing/Autographing Table 7, Autographing Area – North Hall
7pmish: dinner with Toofolk? At least one Toofolk!
Sunday, October 16:
breakfast is, I expect, booked
11am-12pm: kaffeesklatch thing again :)
1pm: lunch is booked
At this point, I think I have to reserve any further meal slots for professional meetings, so if you’re hoping to catch up with me, the kaffeesklatches & signings will be the best bet. There are four of ’em planned, which should give most people who want to say hi a chance to do so.
And, y’know, just in case you’ve forgotten, I reserve the right to bail suddenly if an irresistable professional opportunity arises. :)
(damn, i’m gonna be busier than a one-armed paper-hanger. which is good, but yow!(
Cross posting, to make sure you get this…not that you’re busy or anything ;P
Should I plan on meeting you for lunch prior to your Friday panel, or during your 3-4pm kaffeesklatch? Just let me know, and thanks!