Tim Pratt, AKA T.A. Pratt, is running a Kickstarter campaign to fund the next novel in the Marla Mason series. Actually, he’s already succeeded in funding it (much to his shock), but I’m raising the signal anyway, because I really enjoyed Marla books. Marla is not a particularly likeable main character, which is actually exactly what I loved about her. Last year Tim ran a different sort of crowdfund to write the fifth novel (economic downturn and etc axed the series at the publishing house, but book 4 ended on a massive cliffhanger and his fans screamed, so he thought “what the heck, let’s try alternate funding models” and it worked), and is now tackling the sixth via Kickstarter, which I think is just *awesome*. Besides, how can you resist a book full of “monsters and heroism and betrayal and sand and sharks and lava and resort hotels and possessed people and dispossessed gods”?
Dear Self: you are planning to run an ElectriCity Kickstarter sometime this fall or next spring. Do not push it and try crowdfunding a novel in the same general window, EVEN IF IT SEEMS AWESOME. Love, Me.
Dear Me: You are no fun AT ALL. Love, Self
Same general window, no. Different SPECIFIC…