My email box this morning contained two things: a notification from Romance Junkies that THE QUEEN’S BASTARD had received their blue ribbon award for one of the best books reviewers had read recently (the review, which is very nice, is here), and a positively glowing fanmail from someone who picked up WINTER MOON and had enjoyed “Banshee Cries” enormously.
That’s certainly a nice way to start the day. :) In celebration, I shall give you a sneak peak at the cover for DEMON HUNTS, book five of the Walker Papers, coming in June 2010, and currently my Favorite Cover EVAR. :)

(Joanne has a HEAD! And a profile and everything! Woot!)
Awesome! I can’t wait to read it! I was excited before, but the back cover is really enticing. I think I’m going to make that my birthday present to me. :)
Lovely! And what a nice way to start your morning. :)
She has a head! That is awesome. Although, from the descriptions of Joanne in the books, I always pictured her hair as shorter than that. That could just be me, though. I’m just tickled she finally has a head.
Hmm, but you might want to talk with the art department because they seem to have left off the part on the back cover summary where it says: And after the demon is defeated, Joanne and her boss finally have a throwdown and make out like bunnies.
I’m sure it was just an oversight on their part. :-)
Oooh! Awesome! (and much squeeing ensued)
I lovelove*love* the cloud face with the moon eye and can’t wait to read the book.