pizza bad

Pizza bad. Oooky tummy. Bah. :P Oh well, it was good when I ate it. :) Ran out of printer ink, so I’ve only got half a manuscript printed out, and at Jai’s behest I posted for my beta readers in the Sekrit Posting Place despite it still being Frankenstein’s Manuscript. I will be taking a belt sander to the manuscript this evening and dealing with stuff that I was too tired to deal with by the time I got to the end and trying to get rid of some…

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Done! Done done DONE! Frankenstein’s manuscript (aka HEART OF STONE) is DONE! And 65 pages and a chapter longer than the original, too, even with at least one chapter cut out wholesale. I’ve gotta print it out and do a lot of cosmetic surgery on it at this point, because there’s just crap all over the place that’s messy and awful and stitched in and held in place with big ugly bolts, but the big work is DONE. DONE! I’m having pizza for dinner, dammit. o.o :)

quick update

breakfast is had, alias is watched, sky captain was great fun, now back to frankenstein’s manuscript. on ch. 24 now. have 29 chapters written. zoom. miles to Lothlorien: 257

Alias orgy

*helpless giggles* I went to a beginning tap class last night (lots of fun!) and then Ted and I went out to dinner and decided that the 9:30 show of Sky Captain meant we’d probably be staying up too late, so we decided to come home and watch a couple of episodes of Alias and go to bed at a sensible time. Six episodes later, at 1 in the morning, there was FINALLY enough of a lull at the end of an episode that we were able to stagger off…

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So first the Audi people said they couldn’t get us in to their shop until the 8th of September. This was during the second week of August. So we went and bought the new speedometer and brought it to our regular mechanic, who couldn’t make it fit. They didn’t know if it was because it was the wrong piece or if there was some Magic Audi Thing that they didn’t know. So we took the car back and it sat around in the driveway for three weeks, until we could…

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