CoH and thinks to do

CoH last night was very very funny. Ted and I teamed up with a level 11 scrapper (we were both level 10). He had a mission to finish killing off some Lost, and we were running around Perez Park just killing things randomly, but couldn’t find any Lost. Eventually we found a pack of them. 9, to be exact. 9 level 13s, to be even more exact. “I have a plan,” says the scrapper. “What’s your plan?” Ted and I say. “Let’s kill them all.” “An *excellent* plan,” I say.…

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Shoulder muscle spasms drove me to the chiro yesterday (actually, Ted drove me to the chiro, but don’t be difficult), and I got my neck popped fairly profoundly, which helped quite a bit. I’ve still got a knot of bad muscle, though, so I think I’m going to call up and make a massage appointment for the afternoon. Doesn’t that sound lovely? I did not, however, go work on staining the fence more, because that would aggravate the stupid shoulder. I said to the chiro, “Does this mean I shouldn’t…

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variety of stuff

Went to the chiro yesterday and got crunched, which was good, but I think overall that painting the fence doesn’t much agree with my back. I’m going to go to the Yoga For Weenies class tonight if it’s still tonight and if I find out what time it’s at. However, the first side of the fence is done. I ran out of stain, unsurprisingly, and we had to go get more, so we got two cans and hopefully I won’t run out again. But I might. We’ll see. There was…

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Impatient. Want the work day to be over so I can go sit outside in the 75+ degree weather and stain the fence. *pause* Possibly my priorities are screwed up.

oh yeah, a completely cool sports commentator :)

Oh, I just remembered the great sports commentator during the … I don’t know. Sports update thing on the news this weekend. They were talking about a baseball player, and for some reason the commentator said, “Suspended animation,” and then, *compulsively*, I swear, added, “A state of bliss,” which is a line from Pink Floyd’s song “Learning to Fly”. I was delighted. Hee hee hee! (I really need to get that album.) can’t take my eyes from the circling skies tongue-tied and twisted just an earth-bound misfit, I