weekend good bits :)

I’m doubting my ability to do a really full writeup of the con, so I’m going to hit some highlights and ramble happily about whatever comes to mind. It’s behind a cut tag, so if you wanna read it from LJ, you’re going to have to click through. :)


Laura had bad shower experience. *laugh*!

omg. so tired.

So tired. Sort of blank-faced white-noise kind of tired at this point. I’m at work for the afternoon, for the brain-dead zombie value of at work. Oh, I see I’ve got a 3pm meeting. Ok. Guess I’ll have to stay awake through that. I have much to say and no brain to say it with. *splat*


Boo! G’morning! I’m unreasonably awake, given that it’s a quarter to four in the morning! Quarter to three my time, in fact, but we went to bed at 8pm, what with the being exhausted and all, so we got a reasonable amount of sleep. Then it turned out our clock in the room was set ten minutes ahead (we only just discovered this this morning) and so we’re early for check-out and thus I have a minute to type frantically. (It also explains why we were early or on time…

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we’re off!

I’m going to assume that I won’t be logging in in the morning, and will say goodnight Gracie here. Ted and I are off to Writer’s Weekend and I don’t particularly expect to have access over the weekend, so probably there won’t be any updates. I could, of course, be wrong. See you all sometime Monday!