politics, then geeking

First, the Bush regime is looking for a way to postpone the elections. This is exactly the sort of thing I was afraid of the minute BushCo stole the election; it’s what prompted this vignette a while back (hey, Jenn, if I write that book real fast you think we could have it on the shelves by Nov. 2nd?), and I wish I could say it surprised me, but I don’t think much of anything our fascist government does could surprise me at this point. In *completely* other news, Emily…

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gaming & stuff

Any second now I’m going to get myself together enough to face the day, but for now I’m zombieing in front of the computer. Gaming last night was fun. Shaun almost got killed again, and we’ve got a 15,000 gold piece bounty on our heads set by the Church of Pelor. It’s a pity Coby and Emily are going away soon, because if they weren’t we could turn this campaign into a full-out war against the church (which is what Shaun has written down on his character sheet as the…

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*happy sigh*

I got up this morning with the intent to do my walk early in the day, so I wouldn’t boil my brain in the oncoming heat. My walk–ie, the one I don’t typically take the dog on, because it’s faster and less annoying to go by myself–is usually 2.5 miles, but since I was out early I thought I might do 3 or 4. I got to the 2 mile mark and turned around, got back to Earthquake Park and decided heck, it was beautiful, I felt like walking more,…

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some quizzes

What Color is Your Brain? brought to you by Quizilla Harry Potter Casting With Your LJ Friends LJ Username Harry Potter boymonster Ron Weasley ursulav Hermione Granger das_uber Draco Malfoy randomgang Albus Dumbledore porphyrin You-Know-Who rain_girl_ak This QuickKwiz by cho_malfoy – Taken 6067 Times. New! Get Free Daily Horoscopes from Kwiz.Biz

headache lass

I have been headache lass for the GAH STUPID PUKING ZILLI *sigh* As I was saying prior to having to clean up cat puke. I have been headache lass for the last week. This is not typical, and I thought it was caused by back issues (she said, turning her head back and forth to see if her neck is still pinching anywhere. It is, but.), but I think I might have contracted a cold somewhere along the way, too. I don’t typically associate headaches with colds, but I’ve got…

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