“Loki, Eris, and Coyote walk into a bar, and the bartender says, ‘Order, please.’” (by way of laura anne gilman) miles to Lothlorien: 76
synopsis weirdness
I’m working on the THUNDERBIRD FALLS synopsis, and I’d just like to take a moment to say, damn, but archetypes are weird things. There’s a scene in this book which, when I wrote it, I thought, I need to check out the Tarot meaning of the card that would, rather coincidentally, match up with this scene. And, having just done that, the card behind the scene is unbelievably appropriate to the scene. I certainly didn’t remember on any conscious level what that card meant, and I didn’t start out writing…
I *almost* made 77 miles to Lothlorien. I made 75, with yesterday’s walk. But instead of walking more yesterday, Emily and I watched some more Angel when we got back from Spider-Man, so oh well. Onward! miles to Lothlorien: 75
Spider-Man II
I’d like to tell you that I enjoyed seeing Spider-Man II, but that would mean I would have had to have actually *seen* it, and I only saw about half of it. Usually the half that was playing in the middle third of the screen, but sometimes, suddenly and without warning, it would be the half playing on the left third of the screen, or, equally without warning, on the right third of the screen. After about fifteen, maybe twenty minutes of the infuriating focus changes, I went out to…
Had an hour-long phone conversation with my new boss this morning. He laid out considerably more of a plan than I’d heard previously, which was heartening. Very heartening, in fact. He said, among other things, that it is genuinely the plan to convert all the stuff we’ve currently got over to the new platform, which seems very positive for future site developments, to me. So I’m pleased with that, and it sounds like their intention is to get a handful of the news feeds switched over to a format the…