Writer’s Weekend

If anybody I know has been thinking about attending this year’s Writer’s Weekend but hasn’t yet signed up, let me urge you to hasten to do so. We’ve got 5 spots left and I’ve gotten several registrations this week already. :)

hate this part

I hate this part of starting to exercise. The part where I’ve been FAITHFULLY going to the gym for WEEKS (okay, two weeks), MULTIPLE TIMES A WEEK (ok, 2-3 times a week) and yet I am not suddenly a svelt 136 pounds, despite ALL MY EFFORTS. Stupid exercise. :) I also hate the part where a bill got lost and nobody picked up the garbage today. :P

stared at

I am being Stared At by Zilli, who is sitting atop my computer monitor in a very upright and regal way and looking down his bumpy nose at me. :) Not much exciting to say this morning. Got up later than I should have, but it’s the 15th of June, which means my writing slacking time is well and truly over, so despite having gotten up late, I’m going to have to sit down and do some writing today. No CoH for ME. Is there anyone in the whole world…

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not v. walkful, but good

It was not a very walkful weekend, but other than that, it was good. We went to Chronicles of Riddick Saturday, and while I felt it was a little slow, overall I enjoyed it. I can’t help it: I’m a sucker for Vin Diesel. I’m also a sucker for the character archetype he plays, which, in all the movies I’ve seen him in, has been The Reluctant Hero (I haven’t seen Pitch Black, but I get the impression that’s basically what he’s playing there, too, and I haven’t seen, uh,…

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*radiates amusement*

How to make a mizkit Ingredients: 3 parts pride 3 parts silliness 1 part beauty Method:Combine in a tall glass half filled with crushed ice. Add wisdom to taste! Do not overindulge! Username: Personality cocktailFrom Go-Quiz.com