It’s *beautiful* out this morning. Don’t wanna be at work! Wanna go outside and play! Let’s see, what do I know new? Not very much. I should make a loaf of bread this morning, which isn’t so much new as a reminder to myself. Um, um. Let’s see. Nope. I don’t know anything today. :) Things I’ll do today that are good for me: walk 2 miles, eat 1-2 froots.
Isn’t it annoying how if you draaaag yourself to the gym and you reaaaaallly don’t want to go but you gooooo anyway, how when you’re done you’re much more perky and feel better and are really glad you went? Well, maybe not exactly annoying, but you know what I mean. :) And I worked out hard enough that I’m kind of wibbly now, so that’s good too. :) Things I did today that were good for me: walked 2 miles, ate 1 froots, gymmed. Oh! And I wrote a little…
unicorns & stained glass windows
I was just very sharply reminded of a book in which there is a unicorn caught in a stained glass window. I can’t remember anything else about the book except it was perhaps one of the ‘children from our world go to another world’ stories. Anybody know what it is? Edit: Actually, I do remember one other thing about it. I believe the children broke the glass in question, and part of the plot was that they had to re-capture the unicorn. Whether this was a good or a bad…
nothing to see here! move along!
V. nice evening for Shaun’s birthday. Mom and Dad came over and Ted made burgers and homemade mac&cheese and corn on the cob and I made a lemon cake and it was all v. yummy. Then we played CoH until my mapserver crashed and I had a temper tantrum and went to bed grumpy. :) It’s been really quiet around here lately. Not that my life is usually all that exciting, but it’s been particularly quiet. I haven’t been doing much writing, but it’s summertime and I don’t feel very…
After all the fuss about the timing of the Venus Transit, it was cloudy here and we couldn’t watch it anyway. Hmph. So we watched 3 episodes of Alias, instead, which is hardly the same thing at all, but which was fun. :) The amazingly horrible bruise on my knuckle is healing very quickly. It’s kind of cool to watch, because it’s changing colors from hour to hour. And today is *drumroll please* SHAUNDAY! Happy birthday, Shaun! in a while here, I’ll go get a Shaunday cake started. Yum! I’ve…