Done with Mom’s edits. Waiting on Laura’s and Dad’s, now, and then DONE DONE DONE I’M REALLY DONE. :) We went to Shrek 2 last night. I think I liked it better than the first one! Puss In Boots was very, very funny. :)
’cause I know how to have fun
Chiro appointment in a couple of hours, because I know how to have fun before I go to San Francisco. :) miles to Rivendell: 450
Guh. The trees are apparently having a lot of sex today. I have been sneezing and blowing my nose in such volume that it often feels as if the brain cavity behind my left eye has been emptied out entirely. I was an utterly lazy bum and didn’t do any editing last night, but this morning I got through the first half of Mom’s edits and I’ll finish this afternoon, because they went blessedly fast. So far everybody’s edits are going quickly, which suggests I haven’t got too many mistakes.…
a variety of detaily things
Since we paid off the Jeep, Ted called up our insurance company and took the Acts Of God coverage off it, which will save us approximately a jillion dollars a year. Which is quite a lot! Yay! There are exciting goings-on at my work. Our parent company merged with another company a couple months ago. People have been laid off. Evidently they’re doing one on one meetings next week (while I’m there), and everybody in the office is *incredibly* nervous about it. I got my batteries for my computer. I…
a glance of water
Didn’t get up very early this morning, but got up early enough to put Silkie’s edits into the US ms, and the first 5 chapters of Sarah’s edits. V. good. Mom says she’s got her edits done and I’m going over tonight to steal the manuscript whether Dad likes it or not, because the fewer copies of the bloody ms that I have to bring with me to SF, the better. I would .so. .very. .much. like to get this thing into the mail Saturday night or Sunday morning before…