Dramatically edited from Rill’s original, well-written, thoughtful, and heart-felt letter, my own letter to the editor regarding the completely absurd idea of a Constitutional amendment defining marriage: Dear Editor: George W. Bush believes that a Constitutional amendment to define marriage as the unique province of “a man and a woman” is what “the people” want. One of the most crucial functions of our Constitution is to make certain that the minorities amongst our citizens do not suffer because of what “the people” want. Not so terribly long ago, “the people”…
v. proud of myself
I’m v. proud of myself. I have participated in *three* social activities outside of my immediate family this month. The RWA meeting last night was pretty fun, although somewhat scattered, as usual. I came home and watched Law & Order and ate chili-cheese fries after that. I got up this morning and discovered I’d once more written myself into a corner. Or, rather, I’d once more written myself into a sufficiently wrong place that going forward seemed pointless. What I ended up doing was writing a synopsis of how it…
If I could figure out how to arrange the other three or so X-Men comic art pieces that I have on this wall nicely, I would do so. However, it’s on the stairs and so the angle is odd, and one does want to be able to *see* one’s artwork, so for the moment…
pretty good morning
Yesterday was the sleepiest day ever. I read the last Myth book, which wasn’t very good, and watched the SAG awards, which wasn’t very interesting, and helped Ted clean the kitchen some, which was satisfying because wow the kitchen looks nice now. But Ted did most of the work, so all hail Ted. And I did some laundry. I got 1200 words written this morning and I’m about to go into the Final Conflict, which will answer questions and cause dreadful things to happen before I wrap up. All is…
intimidating me!
*LAUGH* Oh yeah. I just remembered. So last night after gaming we were talking, and Christopher said the first time I came into the comic shop after he started working there, I intimidated the *hell* out of him. Now, Christopher is an ex-Marine. Christopher’s like 6’1″ and burly. This is not a guy you think of as being easily intimitable (although really he’s a pushover, but I probably shouldn’t say that where people can see it). He said, “You were wearing your Rogue jeans jacket with all the Rogue pins,…